Saturday, September 24, 2022


でんとうてきなうちのドアは "しょじ” といいます。 These doors allow for the passage of light, and they can be moved as needed.
フロア is made of 木とたたみ mats. たたみの上にざぶとんがあります。A cushion that used to be made out of a beautiful cloth and is used to sit on. ご飯にテーブルのちかくにかぞくたべます。 リビングルーム was the center of the family's lives at home. あのへやの中にちゃだんすがあります。ちゃだんすのなかにさらとボールがあります。
ふゆに、かぞくはコタツの下で sits down to stay warm. うちのそとに、たけのフェンスがあります。 うちの上に、the roof is made so that the rain easily flows off and protects the house from other natural conditions like snow, wind, and sunlight.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

日本のメディア: Ride on Time - Tatsuro Yamashita

The song Ride on Time is an example of the city pop genre, a genre that refers to Western-influenced Japanese music from the 1970s and 1980s characterized by its inspiration from disco, jazz, and rock. I enjoy the genre and this song in particular because of its funk, soft rock, and jazz-like attributes, which I see with the song's prominent brass section and bass guitar. I think this genre is unique in its smooth, calming, and uplifting nature. I think it is also interesting how the genre has made a resurgence with vaporwave music, which I also love to listen to. Example of vaporwave image and its Japanese influence below.
The song itself has a fantastic buildup that leads to the chorus that utilizes a crescendo of both volume and instrumentation, starting with just piano and adding drums, guitar and more, that leads into the full blast that comes with the chorus that is a mixture of English and Japanese. Later in the song, there is a great instrumental bride that uses a saxophone with a drum and bass guitar background that I think shows off the best of the genre perfectly. I have listened to this genre for about three or four years, yet this song, which was my introduction to the genre, is still my favorite. I was able to pick out words here and there that I was able to understand. Additionally, when reading the lyrics on a separate website, I noticed multiple kanji that I knew, so I was able to give myself a rudimentary, rough translation for a few of the lines. I think its interesting that the genre is partially a result of Western influence, and the connection is made stronger by the repeated use of English words in this song.

Sunday, September 11, 2022


あのまちに、川が三つあります。あの川はちょうとゆめいです。 The St. Mary's, the St. Joseph, and the Maumee rivers.
大きくも小さくないです。 Its population is 270,000 people. あそこにあまりたかいたてものありません。 りっぱなとしょかんがあります。
たくさんきょうかいがあります。 Over 360 Christian churches are here. ベイスボールのチームがいます。 The Tin Caps baseball team may not be great, but the stadium is nice. 毎年、こうえんで、あきまつりあります。 "Jonny Appleseed Festival" といいます、そして、らいしゅうまつにです!
こどものとき、よくいきました。 I hope to be going this year! じゃ またねー

個人学習 1/19

 今週、私の日本語の音楽のプレリストに新しい歌を二つ入れました。まず、一つはさかもときゅの「すきやき」です。リリックはとても悲しいのに、わかりやすくて、メロディーが好きです。でも、どうしてすきやきと呼ばれているか全然わかりません。すきやきと言うと、料理のことについて考えます。 次...