Sunday, October 22, 2023

日本のメディア: "DDD" by Reol

This song is the newest song by probably my favorite Japanese artist, Reol. I have been listening to this creator since my freshmen year of high school, so I have watched the artist develop and grow in popularity over the past 6 or 7 years. She now consistently gets over a million views and has a large following.

As can be seen with this song, Reol tends to use a hip hop, almost rap-like style in many of her songs, and she frequently makes use of electronic beats. In her various collaborations, she also does more melodic songs, uses traditional Japanese instruments, and makes use of her extensive vocal range. This song's meaning is about her freedom in music and pursuing what she enjoys.


  1. It's so cool that you've been listening to her for that long and seeing her grow!


個人学習 2/17

今週、また NHKEasyの記事 を読みました。この読み物によると、亡くなった戦争のはたは家族に戻ったそうです。兵士(へいし)の家族はおじさんの物はほとんど残っていないと言って、このはたが大事な物になりました。 そして、けいざいにつて、 この別な記事 によると日本の農林水産省(の...