Sunday, October 30, 2022

Japan Dayのイベント

 今週末に、Japan Dayのイベントにいきました。

The event began with a talk from Hiroshi Tajima, the consul general of the Japanese Consulate of Chicago. とてもおもしろいひとです。I was very impressed when I heard of all the things he has done so far, and I thought it was very cool that he knew はなぶさ先生 from 中学校。

日本人シェフがきました。お寿司をつくりました。He was very skilled at preparing the food and had acquired his own "secret" techniques. I was happy that I could understand most of everything he said in Japanese, which means that I must be improving. Watching the audience members also make the sushi はたのしかったです。

Lastly, there was a presentation from JET which I had heard of before, but I was never very familiar with it. とてもたのしそうです。The presentation was extremely interesting and seems like a fantastic opportunity to work and learn in Japan.


Before this event, I had never been to Jenkins Nanovic Hall. いいたてものです。

Overall, the event was an interesting experience where I was able to learn a lot, and it ended with delicious food, which made everything even better.

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個人学習 2/17

今週、また NHKEasyの記事 を読みました。この読み物によると、亡くなった戦争のはたは家族に戻ったそうです。兵士(へいし)の家族はおじさんの物はほとんど残っていないと言って、このはたが大事な物になりました。 そして、けいざいにつて、 この別な記事 によると日本の農林水産省(の...