Saturday, December 3, 2022
私の冬休みは12月14日にはじめます。16日に、KPMGのしごとの "コンファレンス"
This semester
this was my first opportunity to learn Japanese in a traditional class-like
setting. The Tadoku Reading class from before and my years of self teaching have
shown to be very useful. The Tadoku class has made me much better at reading
ひらがなとかんじ, it has taught me a number of new たんご, and elements of
Japanese culture. This semester, I was able to put what I had learned last
spring into use as I found that I could read ひらがなwith ease. My primary
struggle this semester has been my handwriting, which I immediately recognized
as weak, as I have never written in Japanese prior to this year, with only
typing or reading in Japanese. One of my biggest focuses has been trying to
improve the quality of my writing.
Additionally, I am very happy with all of the
new grammar concepts we have covered in this class. I feel like I am better able
to communicate my ideas with more complex sentences by using て forms. While I
am still not where I would like to be with my Japanese proficiency, this
semester has made me much closer to my goal and inspired me even more to work
harder to reach my goals. I can already see progress in my ability to listen to
Japanese in music and media and understand more pieces of what is being said.
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個人学習 1/19
今週、私の日本語の音楽のプレリストに新しい歌を二つ入れました。まず、一つはさかもときゅの「すきやき」です。リリックはとても悲しいのに、わかりやすくて、メロディーが好きです。でも、どうしてすきやきと呼ばれているか全然わかりません。すきやきと言うと、料理のことについて考えます。 次...
昔色々な言語を習ってみたかったから、日本語を一人で勉強し始まりました。特に日本語を選んだ理由は、日本の歴史や文化に興味がありました。そして、いつか日本に行きたかったです。 卒業した後で、働く会社で日本のクライアントを手伝っているチームに入るつもりです。だから、その前に、もっと会...
個人学習について、今週 NHKを読んだりドゥオリンゴをしたりするようにしてました。 NHK で、姫路城の入場料について読みました。少し年間後で、入場料を二倍から三倍上がるつもりらしいです。いつか、行きたいので、ちょっと残念だと思うけど、まだ行くつもりです。 ドゥオリンゴで、色々...
This song is the newest song by probably my favorite Japanese artist, Reol. I have been listening to this creator since my freshmen year of ...