Thursday, February 16, 2023

Foreign Language Week: Trivia Night

    This week on Wednesday, the CSLC hosted a trivia night with questions focused on different cultures, featuring a mix of pop culture, history, and geography. My team ended up being composed of some of my friends in my dorm, グリンさん, and his friends from his dorm. Our team had an extensive mix of individuals who studied different languages and cultures. In total, we had members on our team who spoke Russian, Spanish, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, and German. We ended up tying three ways for first place. In the tie-breaker round, we finished in third place and won Chipotle gift cards, a prize that I am happy with. The trivia, along with my team and the international snacks, made for a fun afternoon.

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 今学期はもうすぐ終わります。 去年の春学期とくらべて、今年とても上手になったんじゃないかと思います。去年と一昨年書いた文を読んだら、たくさん習った文法や単語が見えます。けれど, まだ私の日本語のレベルはけっこう低くて、もっと勉強するつもりで、がんばります。今年の一番難しいことは...