Friday, March 24, 2023

日本のメディア: "I Wanna Be With You": Yurie Kokubu

This song was released by Yurie Kokubu in 1987, and it falls into the soul/ City Pop style. It features a prominent bass guitar, brass section, and drums which give it its funk/soul style. Mixed with the Japanese lyrics, there are also English lyrics that make up the title of the song. I originally discovered this song a few years ago through a disco remix, which ultimately led to me finding where it came from. As I often listen to Japanese City Pop and American soul and funk music, this song instantly became one of my favorite when I first heard it.

As for cultural understanding, I enjoy listening to this style of music, and it strikes me as interesting that the trend of this style of pop corresponds to similar trends in America, showing that such trends were universal and shows the spread of cultural elements to other countries.

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個人学習 1/19

 今週、私の日本語の音楽のプレリストに新しい歌を二つ入れました。まず、一つはさかもときゅの「すきやき」です。リリックはとても悲しいのに、わかりやすくて、メロディーが好きです。でも、どうしてすきやきと呼ばれているか全然わかりません。すきやきと言うと、料理のことについて考えます。 次...