Wednesday, March 15, 2023

日本のメディア: 踊り子 by Vaundy

I first discovered this song when I was listening to compilations of Japanese soft rock music. This song became one of my favorites back then, and I listen to it and others like it frequently.

The song's name 踊り子 (Odoriko) means "Dancing girl" and tells the story of someone moving on from a broken relationship. The song's lyrics are incredibly optimistic and future-looking.

I believe the soft rock medium works well when telling this story and reflects the bittersweet message of moving on.

In the song, I was able to pick out words among the lyrics in my first listen. I recognized verbs like 回り出します and 忘れる. I was also able to recognize some nouns from the song, like the words for girl, love, and dream.

To learn more about the context of this song, I read more about when the name 踊り子 has been used before. I learned about the Odoriko train that runs to the Izu peninsula and its namesake, the book titled "The Dancing Girl of Izu" or "伊豆の踊子", a story of a man who travels with a group of wandering musicians. I was surprised what I learned just by reading about the origin of the name of a song.

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