Sunday, March 3, 2024

日本のメディア: 「You」ーYuduki ・Dai


The song was made by Dai and sung by Yuduki for the visual novel series: Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. While I have not played the game, I am familiar with the series and the music. 

This song stands out to me as a bittersweet song about remembering the past. I think the instrumentals and the vocalist's voice complement each other well, and I find it interesting that Yuduki does uses an array of tempos and dynamics to give emotion to the song. I also find her pronunciation to be very clear and easy to understand, which I appreciate as a Japanese novice. 

I recognized most of the words in the song, and only my relative unfamiliarity with casual Japanese prevented me from understanding the entirety of the song. I recognized grammar like form like "すぎる”, ”-させる”, "verb stem + 続ける”, ”-ている”, and ”だろう” in the lyrics of the song.

Lastly, I found out while in Japan that a location that I had already planned to go to was where this series takes place, which me even more motivated to see it in person. I am a big fan of the anime that was adapted from it, and I ended up listening to the instrumental version of this song on the bus ride to the town. It was interesting how detailed the series' creator made the in-game world in comparison to the real location. 




1 comment:

  1. この写真はすごくきれいにとれていますけど、どこなんですか?


個人学習 1/19

 今週、私の日本語の音楽のプレリストに新しい歌を二つ入れました。まず、一つはさかもときゅの「すきやき」です。リリックはとても悲しいのに、わかりやすくて、メロディーが好きです。でも、どうしてすきやきと呼ばれているか全然わかりません。すきやきと言うと、料理のことについて考えます。 次...